POS IDocs R/3 Inbound and POSDW

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The package WPOS_IDOC_ABA (POS IDocs R/3 Inbound and POSDW) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.

Technical Information

Short Text POS IDocs R/3 Inbound and POSDW
Parent Package ABA


SAP Package WPOS_IDOC_ABA contains 22 structures.

E1WER01 POS interface, error messages inbound processing
E1WPB01 POS interface, upload sales docs header data
E1WPB02 POS interface, inbound processing sales docs items
E1WPB03 POs interface, inbound processing sales docs conditions item
E1WPB04 POS interface, inbound processing sales docs tax item
E1WPB05 POS interface: inbound proc.sales docs, header, conditions
E1WPB06 POS interface: inbound processing sales docs, header totals
E1WPB07 POS interface: inbound processing sales docs tax segment
E1WPF01 POS interface: inbound proc. acc. doc. header segment
E1WPF02 POS interface, accounting document upload, item segment
E1WPG01 POS interface, inbound, goods movements, header segment
E1WPG02 POS interface, upload goods movements, items
E1WPK01 POS interface, upload cashier data for POS statistics
E1WPK02 POS interface: upload cashier data, items
E1WPU01 POS interface: inbound sales, header segment
E1WPU02 POS interface, inbound sales, items
E1WPU03 POS interface, inbound sales discounts
E1WPU04 POS interface, inbound sales, item taxes
E1WPU05 POS interface: inbound sales item taxes (values)
E1WPZ01 POS interface: inbound day-end closing, header segment
E1WPZ02 POS interface: inbound payment list item
E1WXX01 Segment for Customer Enhancements to be used as Required