Change Master

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The table AENR (Change Master) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CC.

Technical Information

Table AENR
Short Text Change Master
Package CC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table AENR

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
AENNR Change Number AENNR CHAR 12
AENST Status of change number AENST NUMC 2 T419S
AENBE Authorization group for change master record CC_AENBE CHAR 4
TECHV Technical status from CC_TECHV CHAR 12
ANDAT Date record created on CC_ANDAT DATS 8
ANNAM User who created record CC_ANNAM CHAR 12
AEDAT Date of Last Change CC_AEDAT DATS 8
AENAM Name of person who changed object CC_AENAM CHAR 12
AETXT Change Number Description CC_AETXT CHAR 40
LTXSP Language: The long text was stored in this language CC_LTXSP LANG 1 *
AEGRU Reason for change CC_AEGRU CHAR 40
CCART Change type CC_CCART NUMC 3 *
CCSTM Maximum partial status keys in engineering change management CCSTM_D NUMC 8
DYDAT Indicator: change number with dynamic date CC_DYDAT CHAR 1
CONT1 Digital signature (process improvement) CC_DSIGN CHAR 1
AEFUN Change number function CC_AEFUN CHAR 1
UESTR Indicator: Overriding possible CC_UESTR CHAR 1
RLKEY Release Key for Change Master Record CC_RLKEY NUMC 2 TCC10
LVORM Deletion Flag for Change Number (Reorganization) CC_LOEKZ CHAR 1
CLINT Internal class number describing effectivity type CC_CLINT NUMC 10 *
AERNG ECM: rank of change number CC_AERNG NUMC 2
RLDAT Date when the release key was changed CC_RLDAT DATS 8
RLTIM Time when the release key was changed CC_RLTIM TIMS 6
TEREL Indicator: Technical release occurs CC_TEREL CHAR 1
NACHT Indicator: Change Package Created After Release CC_NACHT CHAR 1
INDAT Effective Date of Statutory Regulation CC_INDAT DATS 8
AUDAT End Date for Transitional Period (Prescribed by Law) CC_AUDAT DATS 8
FLUSE Change number has been used for data maintenance CC_FLUSE CHAR 1
AEDIF ECM: differentiate effectivity types CC_AEDIF NUMC 10
ERLED Indicator for basic change CC_AEERL CHAR 1