

ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object table 1

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The table FBICRC001O (ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object table 1) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FB_ICRC.

Technical Information

Table FBICRC001O
Short Text ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object table 1
Package FB_ICRC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table FBICRC001O

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
OBJNR Object number for FI-SL tables GOBJNR CHAR 18
DATIV Posting date frm which the objct is valid for act.postings DAT_0_VON DATS 8
DATIB Posting date up to which the object is valid for act.postngs DAT_0_BIS DATS 8
DATPV Posting date frm which the objct is valid for plan postings DAT_1_VON DATS 8
DATPB Posting date up to which the objct is valid for plan postngs DAT_1_BIS DATS 8
COMP Company RCOMP_D CHAR 6 T880
OBUKRS Original company code OBUKR CHAR 4 T001
ACCT Group Account Number BILKT CHAR 10 *
ASSC Company ID of trading partner RASSC CHAR 6 *