The Authorization Object Class WG (Retailing) is a standard Authorization Object Class in SAP ERP. It contains the following embedded authorization objects and dictionary objects.
Authorization Object Class | WG |
Short Text | Retailing |
Authorization Object Class WG contains 55 authorization objects.
W_APPT | IS-R Authorization for Appointments |
W_ASORT | Authorization for Assortment Maintenance |
W_ASORT_ST | Authorization for the Assignment of Assortments to Plants |
W_AUFT_BAA | IS-R Authorization Document Type Allocation Table |
W_AUFT_BAR | IS-R Authorization Document Type Allocation Rule |
W_AUFT_RMB | IS-R Authorization for Alloc Tbls: Display/Reply per Plant |
W_CM_CDT | ISR Authorization for Creating Article Hierarchies |
W_FRM | ISR Authorization for Merchandise Distribution |
W_GROUPTYP | Autorization to manage site grouping |
W_LIST_EAC | Acceptance Authorization For Listing Errors |
W_LISTVERF | IS-R Authorization to Use Listing Procedure |
W_MARKDOWN | IS-R Markdown Planning Authorization:MTYP, MATCL, SOrg, DChl |
W_ONLSTORE | Authorization for Starting Online Store |
W_PCAT_LAY | Authorization: Product Catalog - Layout Area |
W_PCAT_MTN | Authorization: Product Catalog - Maintenance |
W_PRICATIN | Retail Authorization: Create and Maintain PRICAT per PurGrp |
W_REF_SITE | Authorization to clean MMSITEREF Table |
W_SRS_POS | Authorizations for Physical Inventory in Open Store |
W_SRS_VKPF | Retail Store - Authorization for Ruling Price Maintenance |
W_STRU_CHG | IS-R Authorization: Allow changes to Structured Materials |
W_STWB_WRK | SAP Retail Store: Store |
W_TRAN_CCR | IS-R Authorization: SAP Transaction |
W_VKPR_PLT | IS-R Authorization: SP Calculation: Distr. Chain/Price List |
W_VKPR_VKO | IS-R Auth. Sales Price Calculations, Distribution Chain |
W_VKPR_VTL | IS-R Authorization: Sales Price Calculations: Distr. Chain |
W_VKPR_WRK | IS-R Authorization: SP Calculation: Distr. Chain/Plant |
W_WAKH_EKO | IS-R Auth. promotion: Purchasing Organization / Purch. Group |
W_WAKH_MAT | IS-R Authorization Promotion: Material Number |
W_WAKH_THE | IS-R Auth. Promotion: Theme |
W_WAKH_VKO | IS-R Auth. Promotion: Sales Organization / Distrib. Channel |
W_WBEF_WRK | ISR Authorization for Reval. at Rtl: Distr. Chain/ Plant |
W_WBGT_FIX | GTM: Setup of Enhancement Table WBGT |
W_WBHK_ORG | Trading Contract: Authorization for Organizational Data |
W_WBHK_TCT | Trading Contract: Authorization for Trading Contract Type |
W_WBRC_CR | WWS Trading: Authorization for Complaints Reason |
W_WBRK_FKA | ISR Trading: authorization for vendor billing document type |
W_WBRK_ORG | ISR Trading: Authorization for organizational data |
W_WIND_TYP | Automatic Doc. Adjustment (Retail): Authoriz. for Doc. Cat. |
W_WTAD_AM | IS-R Authorization for Additionals Monitor |
W_WTAD_ASL | IS-R Authorization Additionals: Vendor/Purchase Order List |
W_WTAD_IR | Request Additionals-IDoc via BAPI Call Function |
W_WTAD_ISU | IS-R Authorization: Status Update for Additionals IDoc |
W_WTEW | Authorizations for Trading Execution Workbench |
W_WTRA_LOG | Runtime Measurement - Authorization to Delete Data Records |
W_WXP_DESI | MAP: Design Planning Scenario |
W_WXP_HIER | Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Planning Hierarchy |
W_WXP_INT | Merchandise & Assortment Planning: Planning Interfaces |
W_WXP_LAY | MAP: Planning Layouts and Variants |
W_WXP_PLAN | MAP: Planning Scenario Planning |
WLM | Assignment of Articles to Layout Modules |
WLMLOCLIST | Creation of Assortments per Layout Module and Store |
WLMVREL | Release of Layout Module Version |
WLMVV | Layout Module Version Variants Maintenance |
WLWBENT | Enter Layout Workbench |
WPLGACT | Call External Space Management |