
SAP Function Group BBPI4X

BBP Add On Invoice (Release 4.X)

The Function Group BBPI4X (BBP Add On Invoice (Release 4.X)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package BBP_ADDON_40. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group BBPI4X
Short Text BBP Add On Invoice (Release 4.X)
Package BBP_ADDON_40

Function Modules

Function Group BBPI4X contains 6 function modules.

BBP_ACCTX_CREATE_4X BBP create tax table ACCTX for Invoice , Release > 4.0
BBP_ASSIGN_ITEMS_INVOICE_4X BBP assignment PO for Invoice , Release >4.0
BBP_CALCULATE_TAX_ITEM40B Steuerberechnung für EBP Release < 4.0
BBP_INVOICE_CREATE_4X BBP Logistik INVOICE create for Release > 4.0
BBP_RW_INVOICE_COMPLETE_4X release dependent (3.1 vs 4.0) code to complete the non-PO invoice