SAP Function Group C11M

EHS: Where-Used List for Phrases (ALV)

The Function Group C11M (EHS: Where-Used List for Phrases (ALV)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CBUI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group C11M
Short Text EHS: Where-Used List for Phrases (ALV)
Package CBUI

Function Modules

Function Group C11M contains 3 function modules.

C11M_ENTRY EHS: Anzeige des Verwendungsbaumes (Phrasen)
C11M_INIT_AND_CREATE_TREE EHS: Initialisierung und Aufbau des Baumes
C11M_NODES_ITEMS_BUILD EHS: Knoten und Blätter Tabelle aufbauen