SAP Function Group C12F

EHS: WWI - Help functions

The Function Group C12F (EHS: WWI - Help functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CBUI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group C12F
Short Text EHS: WWI - Help functions
Package CBUI

Function Modules

Function Group C12F contains 4 function modules.

C12F_PATHNAMES_INIT EHS: Initialisiert die Struktur RCGWWIPATHS
C12F_STRUCT_PATHNAMES_INIT EHS: Initialisiert die Standardpfadstruktur der Fgruppe C12F
C12F_WWI_STRUCT_TEST EHS: Transformiert und prüft das geladene Strukturfile
C12F_WWI_STRUCT_UPLOAD EHS: Loads the structure definition for layout