SAP Function Group C1BB

EHS: IOTABs - Phrase Sets

The Function Group C1BB (EHS: IOTABs - Phrase Sets) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CBUI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group C1BB
Short Text EHS: IOTABs - Phrase Sets
Package CBUI

Function Modules

Function Group C1BB contains 4 function modules.

C1BB_PSIOT_GET PP-SHE: Befülle übergebene IOT aus Puffer
C1BB_PSIOT_PUT PP-SHE: Schreibe übergebene IOTABs in Puffer zurück
C1BB_PTIOT_GET PP-SHE: Übergebene IOTAB aus Puffer befüllen
C1BB_PTIOT_PUT PP-SHE: Übergebene IOTABs in Puffer zurückschreiben