SAP Function Group C1G4

EHS: Report Mgmt - Default Param.

The Function Group C1G4 (EHS: Report Mgmt - Default Param.) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CBUI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group C1G4
Short Text EHS: Report Mgmt - Default Param.
Package CBUI

Function Modules

Function Group C1G4 contains 3 function modules.

C1G4_ENTRY_DEFPARA EHS: Einstieg in die Default-Parameter-Werte zum Bericht
C1G4_OBJECTKEY_VALHELP EHS: Werthilfe für Objektschlüssel
C1G4_POPUP_OBJECTKEY EHS: Aufruf des Popups zur Objektschlüsseleingabe