The Function Group CMS_API_IF_CML_COMMON (CMS-CML Interface: common routines) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CMS_IF_CML. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | CMS_API_IF_CML_COMMON |
Short Text | CMS-CML Interface: common routines |
Package | CMS_IF_CML |
Function Group CMS_API_IF_CML_COMMON contains 8 function modules.
CMS_API_IF_CML_ACCESS_GET | Interface CML: get accesmode |
CMS_API_IF_CML_BUFFER_GET | Interface CML: get ir data from buffer |
CMS_API_IF_CML_BUFFER_SET | Interface CML: set buffer |
CMS_API_IF_CML_CMLKY_TO_CMSKY | converts key of loancontract into semantic key of rbl |
CMS_API_IF_CML_CMSKY_TO_CM_MLT | converts key of loancontract into semantic key of rbl |
CMS_API_IF_CML_CMSKY_TO_CMLKY | converts key of loancontract into semantic key of rbl |
CMS_API_IF_CML_GET_RFCDEST | Determine RFC-Destination of Loan system |
CMS_API_IF_CML_LOAN_TO_RBL | Interface CML: convert loan into receivable |