
SAP Function Group E2E_TESTING_6XX

E2E Functions

The Function Group E2E_TESTING_6XX (E2E Functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package E2E_TESTING_6XX. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group E2E_TESTING_6XX
Short Text E2E Functions

Function Modules

Function Group E2E_TESTING_6XX contains 4 function modules.

E2E_TESTING_AGENT_CHARSIZE_GET Get Size of Characters (Character Length in Bytes)
E2E_TESTING_AGENT_PFA_BSPWDAPP E2E: Analyze webdynpro and BSP application
E2E_TESTING_AGENT_TRACE_DIALOG Dialog to start and stop the trace of the web application
E2E_TESTING_GET_WDBSP_APPLICTN E2E Testing: get the application name of BSP and Web Dynporo