
SAP Function Group EHR14

HR ESS - Personal IDs ( Singapore )

The Function Group EHR14 (HR ESS - Personal IDs ( Singapore )) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package P99_INFTY0185. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group EHR14
Short Text HR ESS - Personal IDs ( Singapore )
Package P99_INFTY0185

Function Modules

Function Group EHR14 contains 3 function modules.

HR_ESS_PERSONAL_ID_DETAIL_25 Personal IDs - ESS Singapore- Detail
HR_ESS_PERSONAL_ID_LIST_25 Personal IDs - ESS Singapore- List
HR_GET_ESS_IT0185_SUBTYPES Subtypes for IT0185 ESS Singapore