
SAP Function Group F0KN

Help Function for Request Determinant

The Function Group F0KN (Help Function for Request Determinant) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FMFI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group F0KN
Short Text Help Function for Request Determinant
Package FMFI

Function Modules

Function Group F0KN contains 9 function modules.

FM_FI_TAX_CLEAR Globales Steuergedächtnis wird gelöscht
FM_FI_TAX_GET Steuerbetraege aus globalen Tabellen nachlesen
FM_FI_TAX_OLD_SET Steuerinformation in globaler Tabelle speichern
FM_FI_TAX_SCREEN_CALL Aufruf des Bildschirmes fuer Steuerbetraege
FM_FI_TAX_SET Steuerinformation in globaler Tabelle speichern
FM_PSO_GET_HIGHST_ACTVT get the highest activity in requests
FM_PSO_GL_NOT_AUTOM_ONLY_CHECK Prüft ob das Sachkonto nur automatisch bebuchbar ist
FM_PSO_ITEMTAB_COMPUTE_AMMOUNT Calculate amount in G/L account lines if more than 1 line in a document
FM_PSO_TEMPLATE_GET Get Template Number