The Function Group FRML158 (RMS-FRM: Dialog - Authorization Check) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RMSFRMINF. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | FRML158 |
Short Text | RMS-FRM: Dialog - Authorization Check |
Package | RMSFRMINF |
Function Group FRML158 contains 3 function modules.
FRML158_ACTYPE_TO_ACTVT | RMS-FRM: Wandelt Aktivitätstyp (ACTYPE) in Wert für Berechtigungsprüfung |
FRML158_AUTH_CHECK | RMS-FRM: Berechtigungsprüfung auf Objekt C_RMSF_DVW |
FRML158_HEADER_CHECK | RMS-FRM: Berechtigungsprüfung auf Objekt C_SHES_TRH |