The Function Group FTOOL_PRIPAR (FI Tools: Use of Print Parameters) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package BFI_TOOLS. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | FTOOL_PRIPAR |
Short Text | FI Tools: Use of Print Parameters |
Package | BFI_TOOLS |
Function Group FTOOL_PRIPAR contains 6 function modules.
CHECK_TEXT_PRINT_PARAMETERS | Check Print Parameters for Forms (SAPscript) |
MAINTAIN_PRINT_PARAMETERS | Maintenance of Print Parameters for Lists |
MAINTAIN_TEXT_PRINT_PARAMETERS | Maintenance of Print Parameters for Forms (SAPscript) |
SET_ARROW_ICON | Setzen der Pfeilfarbe (weiß oder grün) bei Mehrfachauswahl |
SET_ARROW_ICON_XL | Setzen der Pfeilfarbe (weiß oder grün) bei Mehrfachauswahl |