The Function Group GMAVC_CONTROL_OBJECT_TOOLS (Tools for availability control objects) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package GMBUDGETING_E. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Short Text | Tools for availability control objects |
Function Group GMAVC_CONTROL_OBJECT_TOOLS contains 8 function modules.
GMAVC_ALL_DIMENSIONS | Determine active AVC dimensions for all control ledgers (FM) |
GMAVC_ALL_DIMENSIONS_COMP_CODE | Determine active AVC dimensions per FM area, for all control ledgers |
GMAVC_CONVERT_ACO_TO_MSGVX | Condense control object into message variable(s) |
GMAVC_GET_DIMENSIONS | Determine active dimensions of an AVC ledger |
GMAVC_GET_DIMENSIONS_COMP_CODE | Determine active dimensions of an AVC ledger per FM area |
GMAVC_GET_OBJNR_FROM_ACO | Determine the object number from the availability control object |
GMAVC_MOVE_ACO_TO_ADDRESS | Move control object fields to FM address fields: internal use only! |
GMAVC_MOVE_ADDRESS_TO_ACO | Move FM address fields to control object fields: internal use only! |