The Function Group HR99S00_F4HELP (F4 help) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package P99S. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | HR99S00_F4HELP |
Short Text | F4 help |
Package | P99S |
Function Group HR99S00_F4HELP contains 21 function modules.
HR_99S_GET_HELP_BEGDA_ENDDA | F4 to change select options of begda / endda form EQ to GE / LE |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_FEATURE_STRUC | F4 help for structures used in features |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_MOB_CRULE | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_MOB_CTYPE | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_MOB_MOBME | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_MOB_RUL_TYP | F4 for conditions of a form |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_MOBILITY_COL | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_AWADT | get help values for award type |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_CONDT | F4 for conditions of a form |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_FIELD | F4 for conditions of a form |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_FLTDAQ | F4 help for structures used in features |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_FOLNAME | F4 Help for Logical form |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_MSGID | F4 for message ids of table T50FA |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_SANCT | F4 for conditions of a form |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_SANGRP | F4 for conditions of a form |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_SOUGR | F4 for conditions of a form |
HR_99S_GET_HELP_VALUES_SOUWT | F4 for conditions of a form |
HR_99S_GET_SUBTYPE_0713_TABLE | Determinte subtypes for infotype 0713 |
HR_99S_GET_SUBTYPE_0713_TEXT | Determine Subtype text for infotype 0713 |
HR_99S_GET_SUBTYPE_0861_TABLE | Determinte subtypes for infotype 0861 |
HR_99S_GET_SUBTYPE_0861_TEXT | Determine Subtype text for infotype 0861 |