
SAP Function Group HREHS99

Health Surveillance Protocol

The Function Group HREHS99 (Health Surveillance Protocol) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package P99Q1. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HREHS99
Short Text Health Surveillance Protocol
Package P99Q1

Function Modules

Function Group HREHS99 contains 6 function modules.

EHS_DEFINE_EXAM_LAB Anzeige / Pflege fuer Zuordnung der Untersuchungen
EHS00_READPROTTEXT Lesen der Bezeichnungen von Vorsorgeuntersuchungen
F4_EXAMPHY_TEST_NO Suchhilfe-Exit fuer Tests
HR_EHS00_T7EHS00SCHEDTXT_READ FBaustein zum Lesen der Texttabelle t7ehs00_schedt
HREHS_SUBSHLP_EXIT Suchhilfe-Exit zu den Vorsorgeuntersuchungen