The Function Group HRHCP00_EMU_CONVERSION (Service Functions for Currency Conver.) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PAOC_HCP_DATACOLLECTION. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | HRHCP00_EMU_CONVERSION |
Short Text | Service Functions for Currency Conver. |
Function Group HRHCP00_EMU_CONVERSION contains 4 function modules.
HR_HCP_EMU_CONVERT_AMOUNT | EMU: Beträge auf neue Währung umrechnen |
HR_HCP_EMU_LOG_TEST_ROUND | EMU: Testrundung protokollieren |
HR_HCP_EMU_PREPARE_ROUND | EMU: Rundung vorbereiten |
HR_HCP_EMU_ROUND_AMOUNT | EMU: Rundung der Beträge |