

NQF Transactions

The Function Group HRNQFZA_TRANS (NQF Transactions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB16. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HRNQFZA_TRANS
Short Text NQF Transactions
Package PB16

Function Modules

Function Group HRNQFZA_TRANS contains 10 function modules.

HRNQF_EXPAND_TABLE Expand the node table before method add_nodes_and_items
HRNQF_KEY_CODE Code the node key
HRNQF_KEY_DECODE Decode the node key
HRNQF_POPUP_APP_TEMPLATE Popup: to change NQF template
HRNQF_POPUP_USTYP Popup: to change US type (Core/Fundemental/Elective)
HRNQF_PREPARE_CREATE Prepare create step
HRNQF_PREPARE_INCLUDE Prepare the include existing object step
HRNQF_PREPARE_REMOVE Prepare the remove object step
HRNQF_REBUILD_RANKS Build root table for tree control
HRNQF_ROOTTABLE_GET Build root table for tree control