
SAP Function Group HRPAY99_OCF

HR: Read off-cycle features

The Function Group HRPAY99_OCF (HR: Read off-cycle features) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PCOC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HRPAY99_OCF
Short Text HR: Read off-cycle features
Package PCOC

Function Modules

Function Group HRPAY99_OCF contains 4 function modules.

HR_OC_DELETE_BATCH Löschen von Sätzen aus der T52OCG
HR_OC_GET_PAYMENT_METHODS HR: Off Cycle: Zahlungsmethode für Off Cycle bestimmen
HR_OC_INSERT_BATCH Off-Cycle: Aktion für Batch einplanen
HR_OC_READ_BATCH Lesen eines T52OCG-Eintrags zu gegebener RGDIR-Zeile