The Function Group HRPAY99_PAYROLL_MENU (FMs for area payroll menu) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PCAL. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | HRPAY99_PAYROLL_MENU |
Short Text | FMs for area payroll menu |
Package | PCAL |
Function Group HRPAY99_PAYROLL_MENU contains 4 function modules.
HR_M01_VIEWCLUSTER_BAU | Anzeige Viewcluster Bau |
HR_M09_VIEW | display, change, transport view |
HR_M99_SET_ABKRS | Setze set/get-Parameter ABK |
HR_M99_SET_MOLGA | Setze den set/get-Parameter Mol |