
SAP Function Group KKBM

Information System ML/Actual Costing

The Function Group KKBM (Information System ML/Actual Costing) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package KKB. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group KKBM
Short Text Information System ML/Actual Costing
Package KKB

Function Modules

Function Group KKBM contains 10 function modules.

K_KKB_JAHRPER_DISJOINT_RANGES Transform ranges table for periods => disjoint intervals (no overlap)
K_KKB_JAHRPER_INTERSECTION build the intersection of two ranges tables
K_KKB_JAHRPER_SET Konvertierung Jahr und Periode --> int. Format YYYYPPP
K_KKB_ML_DATA_CONVERT Konvertierung Datenstrukturen ML -> Informationssystem
K_KKB_ML_DATA_DISPLAY Anzeige Stamm- und Bewegungsdaten ML/Istkostenrechnung
K_KKB_ML_DATA_READ general function to read ML-data
K_KKB_ML_HEADER_DISPLAY globale Daten ML-Istkostenrechnung
K_KKB_ML_PLANC_DISPLAY Plankalkulation (Ankerinformationen)
K_KKB_READ_BKLAS read valuation classes for material/sales order/project stocks
RECHERCHE_READ_DATA_RKKML Recherche: Datenselektion Material-Ledger/Istkalkulation