

Resource Services

The Function Group LTRS_SERVICES (Resource Services) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package LTRS. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group LTRS_SERVICES
Short Text Resource Services
Package LTRS

Function Modules

Function Group LTRS_SERVICES contains 24 function modules.

LTRS_CONNECT_DEFAULTS_GET Get the default connection data for resource elements
LTRS_ELEMENTS_GET Retrieve resource elements for resource
LTRS_HUTYP_COMBINATION_GET Get possible HU type combinations for a given resource
LTRS_LRSQA_READ Retrieval of resource qualifications
LTRS_LRSRC_READ Retrieval of data from resources table
LTRS_LRSRC_UPD Update Resource table
LTRS_LRSTY_READ Reads Resource Type table
LTRS_LRTQA_READ Retrieval of resource type qualifications
LTRS_RECORDS_COUNT Count number of resources and resource types at node or zone
LTRS_RESOURCE_ATTRS_GET Get resource specific attributes
LTRS_RESOURCE_BREAK Resource logoff, activation and deactivation
LTRS_RESOURCE_CAPACITY_CHECK Perform resource capacity check
LTRS_RESOURCE_CHECK Check input parameters during resource registration
LTRS_RESOURCE_DETAILS_GET Retrieve qualifications of a resource
LTRS_RESOURCE_FOR_TASK_GET Get resources capable of performing given tasks
LTRS_RESOURCE_LOCATION Update data about current resource location
LTRS_RESOURCE_OFF Disconnect a resource
LTRS_RESOURCE_REG Register a resource
LTRS_RESOURCE_SEARCH Search for resource by different criteria
LTRS_RSRCE_FOR_TASK_ASSGN_GET Display and get the resources for task assignment
LTRS_RSRCE_MESSAGE_GET Retrieve saved messages for resource
LTRS_RSRCE_QUALIF_GET Retrieval of qualifications for resource
LTRS_RSTYP_QUALF_PRIO_GET Get priorities and resource types for given qualifications
LTRS_USER_ELEMENT_DATA_GET Get resource element data for user