The Function Group MASS_GENERAL_UTILITIES (Mass maintenance general functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package WSTRMASSMAINT. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Short Text | Mass maintenance general functions |
Function Group MASS_GENERAL_UTILITIES contains 16 function modules.
GET_FIELDNAME_TEXT_1 | Anzeigen der Feld- und Datenelementinformationen |
GET_JOB_NUMBER | Generate a new job number |
MASS_DECODE_FLAT_STRUCT_STYLE | transform flat structure table in multi level table for |
MASS_DELETE_ERROR | delete an error batch in table mass_job_error |
MASS_DISPLAY_QUICK_HELP_REF | Display Quick Help Reference (in a HTML Container) |
MASS_DYNAMIC_FILTER | create a filter to select the disired lines of an ALV grid |
MASS_DYNAMIC_SELECT | Holds dynamic selection screen |
MASS_ENCODE_STYLE_IN_FLAT_STR | transform style table of table in a standard table for RFC |
MASS_ERROR_LIST | Error list for recover |
MASS_FIND_IN_TREE | Find in tree |
MASS_GENERAL_APPL_LOG | create an application log for the mass change |
MASS_GET_MATNR_FOR_MATKL | Get material numbers for one or many material group |
MASS_MAINTAIN_PARAMETERS | Read/write reatail mass maintenance parameters |
MASS_SCRN_CREATE | Create dynamic screen for mass maintenance |
MASS_VERIFY_HIDDEN_COLUMN | verify for the hidden column into the grid |
MASS_WHERE_USED | where used list for mass maintenance screens |