
SAP Function Group PAUW_CORE

Travel Management Modules in Core

The Function Group PAUW_CORE (Travel Management Modules in Core) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PTRA. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group PAUW_CORE
Short Text Travel Management Modules in Core
Package PTRA

Function Modules

Function Group PAUW_CORE contains 6 function modules.

PA_TRV_GET_PERNR_MOREI Determine Morei, lang., Molga for specified, key date
PTRV_SAVE_P0003_TRVFL P0003-TRVFL bei Infotypreplikation retten
TRAVEL_DATA_EXISTS Existieren Reisedaten im System?
TRAVEL_DATA_EXISTS_GLOBAL Existieren Reisedaten im System?
TRAVEL_EXISTS Sind Travel Objekte aus Add-On vorhanden?
TRAVEL_FUNCTION_EXISTS Existenzprüfung und Funktionsgruppe zu Funktionsbaustein besorgen