
SAP Function Group PSBW

PS -> BW Master Data

The Function Group PSBW (PS -> BW Master Data) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package KAP8. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group PSBW
Short Text PS -> BW Master Data
Package KAP8

Function Modules

Function Group PSBW contains 9 function modules.

PSBW_GET_ACTIVITY Extraktor: Netzplanvorgang PS -> BW
PSBW_GET_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT Extraktor: Netzplanvorgangselement PS->BW
PSBW_GET_COMPONENT Extraktor: Componenten PS -> BW
PSBW_GET_MILESTONE Extraktor: Meilensteine PS->BW
PSBW_GET_NETWORK Extraktor: Netzplan PS -> BW
PSBW_GET_PROJECT_DEFINITION Extraktor: Projektdefinition PS -> BW
PSBW_GET_WBS_ELEMENT Extraktor: PSP-Element PS -> BW
PSBW_HIERARCHY_CATALOG_WBSH PS: Extraktor für die PSP Hierarchie
PSBW_HIERARCHY_TRANSFER_WBSH PS: Extraktor für die PSP Hierarchie