The Function Group RHPQ_STATE (PA-PD: State Mgt (Indiv. Development)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PPDP. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | RHPQ_STATE |
Short Text | PA-PD: State Mgt (Indiv. Development) |
Package | PPDP |
Function Group RHPQ_STATE contains 5 function modules.
HR_EVENT_S_1001_A008 | Workflowstart bei Planst.besetzungänderung für ind.EPlan |
RHPQ_UPDATE_APPRAISAL_IN_INDPL | Zustandsupdate: Beurteilung im individuellen Plan |
RHPQ_UPDATE_EVENTTYPE_IN_INDPL | Zustandsupdate: Veranstaltungstyp im individuellen Plan |
RHPQ_UPDATE_STATION_IN_INDPLAN | Zustandsupdate: Station im individuellen Plan |
RHPQ_WF_UPDATE_POS_IN_INDPLAN | Entwicklungsplanstation (Planstelle) per Workflow aktualisieren |