SAP Function Group RHPQ_T77BX

PA-PD: Further Processing Modules T77BX

The Function Group RHPQ_T77BX (PA-PD: Further Processing Modules T77BX) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PPDP. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RHPQ_T77BX
Short Text PA-PD: Further Processing Modules T77BX
Package PPDP

Function Modules

Function Group RHPQ_T77BX contains 6 function modules.

RHPQ_T77BX_ADD_QUALIS_OF_DPLAN Add Qualifications Imparted by Development Plan
RHPQ_T77BX_INTERFACE_SAMPLE Template for further processing of individual development plan
RHPQ_T77BX_PART_INS_NO_DIALOG Book attendance (in background)
RHPQ_T77BX_PARTICIPATION_INS Book attendance function
RHPQ_T77BX_SET_PERS_TO_POS Function Assign Person as Holder of Position
RHPQ_T77BX_START_APPRAISAL Function Perform Appraisal