The Function Group RHSPP_INFO_COL_VAR (Function Module for Info Column Groups) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PP08_PS. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | RHSPP_INFO_COL_VAR |
Short Text | Function Module for Info Column Groups |
Package | PP08_PS |
Function Group RHSPP_INFO_COL_VAR contains 8 function modules.
HRSPPS_INFO_COL_CHANGE | Function Module to select info columns |
HRSPPS_INFO_VAR_DEL | Delete Info Column Grouping Variant |
HRSPPS_INFO_VAR_GET | Module to Get Info Column Variants |
HRSPPS_INFO_VAR_GET_DEF | Module to Get Info Column Variants |
HRSPPS_INFO_VAR_GET_DLG | Function Module for Get Variant Dialog |
HRSPPS_INFO_VAR_SAV | Module to Obtain and Save Variant Info |
HRSPPS_INFO_VAR_SAV_DLG | Function Module for Save Dialog. |
HRSPPS_UPDATE_INFOCL_TABLES | Setze die Spalten nach dem Laden (Note 728627) |