
SAP Function Group RMLV0

RM Ext.List Display: Intern.Work Fields

The Function Group RMLV0 (RM Ext.List Display: Intern.Work Fields) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package JBR. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RMLV0
Short Text RM Ext.List Display: Intern.Work Fields
Package JBR

Function Modules

Function Group RMLV0 contains 6 function modules.

RM_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_FIRST RM: Ergänzung des Feldkatalogs (ALV Grid) um Merkmalswerte
RM_BPS_CHAR_VALUES_GET RM: ermittelt Merkmalsauspr. zu Basisp. (physisch oder logisch)
RM_BPS_FOR_NODE_GET RM: ermittelt BPs (phys. od. log.) für PH-Knoten
RM_CHAR_TEXT_MAP_BUILD RM: erzeugt Zuordnung von Textfeldern zu Merkmalen
RM_CHAR_TEXT_MAP_GET RM: holt Zuordnung von Textfeldern zu Merkmalen (aus glob. Ged.)