The Function Group RMLV0 (RM Ext.List Display: Intern.Work Fields) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package JBR. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | RMLV0 |
Short Text | RM Ext.List Display: Intern.Work Fields |
Package | JBR |
Function Group RMLV0 contains 6 function modules.
RM_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_FIRST | RM: Ergänzung des Feldkatalogs (ALV Grid) um Merkmalswerte |
RM_BPS_CHAR_VALUES_GET | RM: ermittelt Merkmalsauspr. zu Basisp. (physisch oder logisch) |
RM_BPS_FOR_NODE_GET | RM: ermittelt BPs (phys. od. log.) für PH-Knoten |
RM_CHAR_TEXT_MAP_BUILD | RM: erzeugt Zuordnung von Textfeldern zu Merkmalen |
RM_CHAR_TEXT_MAP_GET | RM: holt Zuordnung von Textfeldern zu Merkmalen (aus glob. Ged.) |