
SAP Function Group RMSA960

RMS-ATL: Conversion Exits Interface

The Function Group RMSA960 (RMS-ATL: Conversion Exits Interface) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RMSATLMSC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RMSA960
Short Text RMS-ATL: Conversion Exits Interface

Function Modules

Function Group RMSA960 contains 8 function modules.

CONVERSION_EXIT_BBNAM_INPUT Konvertierungs-Exit PNAME Bausteine, extern->intern
CONVERSION_EXIT_BBNAM_OUTPUT Konvertierungs-Exit PNAME Bausteine, intern->extern
CONVERSION_EXIT_VALFR_INPUT Konvertierungs-Exit VALFR, extern->intern
CONVERSION_EXIT_VALFR_OUTPUT Konvertierungs-Exit VALFR, intern->extern
CONVERSION_EXIT_VALTO_INPUT Konvertierungs-Exit VALTO, extern->intern
CONVERSION_EXIT_VALTO_OUTPUT Konvertierungs-Exit VALTO, intern->extern
RMSA960_CONV_NUM_TO_CHAR Konvertierung Zahlen nach Character
RMSA960_DIMENSION_GET_FOR_UNIT Prüfung der Proportionalitätsdimension