SAP Function Group RMXT301

Read TMS-PP-PI Configuration

The Function Group RMXT301 (Read TMS-PP-PI Configuration) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RMXTPP. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RMXT301
Short Text Read TMS-PP-PI Configuration
Package RMXTPP

Function Modules

Function Group RMXT301 contains 4 function modules.

RMXT301_CT30_READ Tabelle CT30 lesen
RMXT301_CT31_READ Tabellen CT31, CT32, CT33 und CT35 lesen
RMXT301_CT31_READ_BY_CLASSES Lesen der Customizingtabelle RMXTC_T31mittels Prozessparameterklasse
RMXT301_CT40_READ TMS-PP: Konfiguration der PP Steuerungsparameter lesen