
SAP Function Group RMXT303

Send Process Messages to TMS

The Function Group RMXT303 (Send Process Messages to TMS) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RMXTPP. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RMXT303
Short Text Send Process Messages to TMS
Package RMXTPP

Function Modules

Function Group RMXT303 contains 6 function modules.

RMXT303_MESSAGES_CONSUMPTION Meldungsempfänger Materialverbräuche
RMXT303_MESSAGES_INSTRUCTIONS Meldungsempfänger Prozessvorgaben
RMXT303_MESSAGES_PRODUCTION Meldungsempfänger Produziertes Material
RMXT303_MESSAGES_STREAMS Meldungsempfänger Materialverbräuche
RMXT303_RESULTS_SEND_MATERIALS Senden Materialverbräuche und produziertes Material
RMXT303_RESULTS_SEND_PP Senden Prozessvorgabeergebnisse