

Data Manager Indexing Utilities(BW 2.0A

The Function Group RSDU_INDEX_INF (Data Manager Indexing Utilities(BW 2.0A) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RSDD. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RSDU_INDEX_INF
Short Text Data Manager Indexing Utilities(BW 2.0A
Package RSDD

Function Modules

Function Group RSDU_INDEX_INF contains 25 function modules.

RSDU_ADD_DDSTORAGE_INF_PIDX Create Primary Index for Fact Table (Informix)
RSDU_ADD_DDSTORAGE_INF_SECIDX Add DDSTORAGE Entry for Informix Detached Secondary Indexes
RSDU_AGGREGATE_INDEXES_CHE_INF checks the correct setting for a cube's secondary indexes
RSDU_AGGREGATE_INDEXES_CRE_INF create secondary indexes for aggregates
RSDU_AGGREGATE_INDEXES_DRO_INF drops the secondary indexes on the aggregates of an infocube
RSDU_AGGREGATE_INDEXES_REP_INF repair the secondary indexes on infocube aggregates
RSDU_CHECK_INF_PRIMARY_IDX Checks Correctness of a Cube's Primary Index (Informix)
RSDU_DDSTORAGE_SEC_INDEXES_INF Add DDSTORAGE-entry for secondary indexes
RSDU_DROP_INDEX_INF drops an index
RSDU_GET_INDEX_NAME_INF gets name for an index on the DB as set by the DDIC
RSDU_INDEX_RENAME_POSSIBLE_INF Überprüft, ob das jeweilige DB-System Indizes umbenennen kann
RSDU_INF_SET_IDX_RESIDENCY Funktion zum Ändern des Residentstatus von Indizes
RSDU_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_CHEC_INF checks the correct setting for a cube's secondary indexes
RSDU_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_CREA_INF Create Secondary Indexes for Fact Table
RSDU_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_DROP_INF drops the secondary indexes on the facttable of an infocube
RSDU_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_GET__INF gets DB names of secondary indexes with info from DBMS
RSDU_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_GET_INF gets DB names of secondary indexes on the facttable
RSDU_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_NORM_INF create secondary B-tree indexes for facttable(s)
RSDU_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_REPA_INF Repair the secondary indexes of an infocube
RSDU_INFOCUBE_PRIMIDX_CHEC_INF checks primary index of an infocube's fact tables
RSDU_INFOCUBE_PRIMIDX_CREA_INF Creates Primary Indexes for InfoCube Fact Tables
RSDU_INFOCUBE_PRIMIDX_DROP_INF drops primary index of an infocube's fact tables
RSDU_ODS_INDEX_EXIT_INF Exit for ODS Index Creation
RSDU_PRIMARY_INDEX_EXIT_INF Exit-Routine für Ersatz-Primary-Index der Infocube-Faktentabellen
RSDU_REPAIR_INF_PRIMARY_IDX Repair the Primary Index of an InfoCube (Informix)