
SAP Function Group RSUD

BW Delta Process: Properties

The Function Group RSUD (BW Delta Process: Properties) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RSU0. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RSUD
Short Text BW Delta Process: Properties
Package RSU0

Function Modules

Function Group RSUD contains 4 function modules.

RSU_DELTA_METHOD_CHECK_RECMODE BW Deltaverfahren: Recordmode prüfen
RSU_DELTA_METHOD_GET_PROP BW Deltaverfahren: Eigenschaften bereitstellen
RSU_DELTA_METHOD_GET_PROP_SCHD BW Deltaverfahren: Eigenschaften für Scheduler bereitstellen
RSU_DELTA_METHOD_GET_RECMODES BW Deltaverfahren: Gültige Recordmodes ermitteln