
SAP Function Group RTBWHC

Assignment of retail objs to cost center

The Function Group RTBWHC (Assignment of retail objs to cost center) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package RT_BWHC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RTBWHC
Short Text Assignment of retail objs to cost center
Package RT_BWHC

Function Modules

Function Group RTBWHC contains 4 function modules.

RTBWHC_EXTRACT_IO_ORGUNIT Extraktion Infoobjekt organisatorische Einheit
RTBWHC_FILL_COLUMNS Füllen der retailspezifischen Spalten (Vkorg, Ekorg, Filiale...)
RTBWHC_GET_MSD_ORGUNIT BW-Extraktor für Retail-MSD der Org.einheit
RTBWHC_REFRESH_COLUMNS Frischt internen Puffer auf (bei Tree und Grid)