
SAP Function Group SAL_RFC

Read Monitoring Infrastructure with RFC

The Function Group SAL_RFC (Read Monitoring Infrastructure with RFC) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SMOI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SAL_RFC
Short Text Read Monitoring Infrastructure with RFC
Package SMOI

Function Modules

Function Group SAL_RFC contains 20 function modules.

SAL_RFC_AL_READ_ALERT_BY_AID Read detailed alert data for a list of AIDs (alert IDs)
SAL_RFC_ALERT_ACKNOWLEDGE_TBL Set ACTIVE alert to DONE and add it to alert history in DB
SAL_RFC_CACHE_SUBSCRIBE_TIDS If cache is active data for TIDs in list will be pushed by CCMS-Agents
SAL_RFC_CONTEXTS_FOR_SYSTEM CCMS Central System Management: get contexts for a given system
SAL_RFC_CUSTOM_ENTRY_WITH_TID Globaler Einstieg ins Customizing vom Monitor aus
SAL_RFC_MT_BUILD_MTNAME Baut einen MT-Namen abhängig vom MT-Typ auf
SAL_RFC_MT_GET_AID_BY_TID Monitoring Type: Get table of table of TID + AID for given table of TID
SAL_RFC_MTE_GET_BY_MTE_CLASS Get all mte´s that have specific MTE class
SAL_RFC_MTE_GET_TID_BY_NAME Returns TID for given long name of one MTE
SAL_RFC_MTE_GET_TREE Get sub tree of one MTE
SAL_RFC_MTE_ML_READ_CVAL Read current value of one message log attribute
SAL_RFC_MTE_ML_READ_CVAL_TBL Read current value of message log attributes
SAL_RFC_MTE_PERF_READ_CVAL Read the actual value of one performance attribute
SAL_RFC_MTE_PERF_READ_CVAL_TBL Read current value for table of perf. attributes
SAL_RFC_MTE_PERF_READ_PROP_TBL Read properties for table of perf. properties
SAL_RFC_MTE_PERF_READ_PROPERTY Read the specific properties of one performance attribute
SAL_RFC_MTE_READ_GENERAL Read detailed data (general part) for one MTE
SAL_RFC_MTE_READ_GENERAL_TBL Read detailed data (general part) for one MTE
SAL_RFC_MTE_SMSG_READ_CVAL_TBL Read the current value of one status message attribute