
SAP Function Group SDDV

DD: Objects for version control

The Function Group SDDV (DD: Objects for version control) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SDIC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SDDV
Short Text DD: Objects for version control
Package SDIC

Function Modules

Function Group SDDV contains 12 function modules.

GET_DOMD_FOR_VERSIONS Domain objects (headers, texts, values, value texts) for version adm.
GET_DTED_FOR_VERSIONS Data element object (header and text) for version maintenance
GET_ENQD_FOR_VERSIONS Lock object (headers, fields & structure of the ENQUE) for vers.manag
GET_INDX_FOR_VERSIONS Read index objects (header, fields) for version admin.
GET_MCID_FOR_VERSIONS MCID objects (headers, tables, fields, sel.cond.) for version manag.
GET_MCOD_FOR_VERSIONS MC object (headers, fields & structure of view) for version manag.
GET_SHLD_FOR_VERSIONS Read search helps for version definition
GET_SQLD_FOR_VERSIONS Pool/cluster object for version administration
GET_TABD_FOR_VERSIONS Table objects (headers, fields, foreign keys, texts) for version admin.
GET_TABT_FOR_VERSIONS Table attributes (technical) for version administration
GET_VIED_FOR_VERSIONS View objects (headers, fields & struct. of view) for version management