
SAP Function Group SF14

R/3 Reference Model upload

The Function Group SF14 (R/3 Reference Model upload) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SDFU. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SF14
Short Text R/3 Reference Model upload
Package SDFU

Function Modules

Function Group SF14 contains 5 function modules.

BM_DIAGRAM_INFO_CREATE Erzeugen von Einträgen in DF40D für Modelltypen IF und AF
BM_READ_ALL_OBJECTS Alle Objekte lesen
BMU_DATASET_CONVERT Verarbeitung der Upload-Daten, Output in Datenbank
BMU_DATASET_UPLOAD Verarbeitung der Upload-Daten, Output in Datenbank