The Function Group SLDB (FMs for logical databases) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SLDBV. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | SLDB |
Short Text | FMs for logical databases |
Package | SLDBV |
Function Group SLDB contains 25 function modules.
LDB_CHECK_PROG_NAMES | Check whether program name belongs to a logical database |
LDB_CONVERT_DBPROG_2_LDBNAME | Name of database program -> Name of corresponding logical database |
LDB_FIELD_SEL_NODES | Returns table of a table from LDB reserved for field selection |
LDB_FIELD_SEL_NODES_DISPLAY | Displays tables with field selection in a dialog box |
LDB_FIELD_SEL_TABS | Returns table of a table from LDB reserved for field selection |
LDB_INFO | Structure RSLDBTABS. dynamic and field selections for an LDB |
RS_DISABLE_SPAGPA_ON_CURR_DYNP | Ausschalten SPA/GPA für Subscreens im Batch |
RS_ENABLE_SPAGPA_ON_CURR_DYNP | Einschalten der SPA/GPA im Batch für Subscreens |
RS_EXTERNAL_SELSCREEN_STATUS | Selection screen: Own GUI status, defined in function group |
RS_INT_EXPORT_SELPARS_2_MEM | Interne Verwendung: Export der SELECT-OPTIONS/PARAMETER ins Memory |
RS_INT_SELSCREEN_VERSION_F4 | Sendet F4-Popup für Selektionsbildversionen. Interne Verwendung. |
RS_SELOPT_NO_INTERVAL_CHECK | Intervallprüfung bei Select-Options ausschalten |
RS_SELSCREEN_VERSION | Returns the version of the current selection screen (called via LDB) |
RS_SELSCREEN_VERSION_EXISTS | Prüft, ob eine logische Datenbank eine mitgegebene Sel.-bild-version hat. |
RS_SELSCREEN_VERSION_SH_EXIT | Suchhilfe-Exit Selektionsbildversionen einer LDB |
RS_SET_SELSCREEN_STATUS | Sets own GUI status on selection screens |
RS_SUBMIT_INFO | Gives information about the mode of the current SUBMIT |
SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT | Make use of SELECT-OPTIONS easier on the selection screen |
SELOPTS_AND_PARAMS | Returns internal table containing select-options and params for a program |
SELSCREEN_FUNCTION_TEXTS_GET | Liefert die Inhalte der dynamischen Drucktastentexte auf Selektionsbildern |
SELTAB_2_SELOPTS | Versorgt SELECT-OPTIONS / PARAMETERS eines Programms aus interner Tabelle |