
SAP Function Group STD1

ORACLE Database Statistics Modules

The Function Group STD1 (ORACLE Database Statistics Modules) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package STUO. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group STD1
Short Text ORACLE Database Statistics Modules
Package STUO

Function Modules

Function Group STD1 contains 17 function modules.

DB_ORA_CRIT_OBJ___FREESPC_STAT Get space-critical objects and current sizes from DB table MONI
DB_ORA_CRITICAL_TABLES_GROWTH Get Space History For Tables With Critical Growth (Extents, Nextextsiz
DB_ORA_CURRENT_SIZES Get tablespace data: current sizes and status
DB_ORA_DICTIONARY_BUFFER Statistics for data dictionary activities <--> V$ROWCACHE
DB_ORA_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_WAITERS Exclusive Lock Waiters in Oracle Systems
DB_ORA_EXTENTS Extents of Tables and Indexes
DB_ORA_FILESYSTEM_REQUESTS Statistics of physical accesses on ORACLE database
DB_ORA_FILESYSTEM_SPLIT Take in Oracle File I/O and output I/O per Path and Summary I/O
DB_ORA_GET_TABLESPACE_LOGBUCH Get Tablespace Logbuch from database table MONI
DB_ORA_INSTANCE_INFO returns information concerning the current database instance (OPS)
DB_ORA_MAIN_LIST ST04 (Oracle): Datenaufbereitung für ST04 Summary
DB_ORA_MISSING_INDICES Find missing DB indices and indices not defined in SAP-DD
DB_ORA_SELECT_DBINSTANCE selects a list with all DB instances and let the user choose one
DB_ORA_TABLES_HISTORY get tables history from MONI
DB_ORA_TABLESPACE_HISTORY Get the space history of all tablespaces
DB_ORA_UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO updates table GST04SRVRS with info about current database instance (OPS)