
SAP Function Group STFI

Transport File Interface

The Function Group STFI (Transport File Interface) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package STTO. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group STFI
Short Text Transport File Interface
Package STTO

Function Modules

Function Group STFI contains 10 function modules.

TRINT_FI_BUILD_PATH intern: Pfadname aus Verzeichnis- und Dateiname zusammensetzen
TRINT_FI_CONVERT_BUF_TO_FILI Internal: Create List of all Files for Requests for a Buffer
TRINT_FI_GET_DIRECTORY_NAMES Internal: Paths of the Transport Directories
TRINT_FI_GET_LOGFILE_NAMES Extern: Logdatei-Namen fuer ein Zeitintervall bestimmen
TRINT_FI_READ_ALOG Intern: ALOG-Datei in interne Tabelle lesen
TRINT_FI_RESET_ALOG_CACHE Extern: tp ALOG Cache loeschen
TRINT_FI_VERIFY_TR_FILES Internal: Check Transport Files