
SAP Function Group SYSF

Internal system functions (lists)

The Function Group SYSF (Internal system functions (lists)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SABP. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SYSF
Short Text Internal system functions (lists)
Package SABP

Function Modules

Function Group SYSF contains 13 function modules.

LIST_ALLOW_SEQUENCE_OF_HYPHENS Control of the character for which the ULINE automation is valid
LIST_COLUMN_HEADINGS Pflege der Listueberschriften (Titel und Spaltenueberschriften)
LIST_COMMAND Bearbeitung der Listprozessor Funktionscodes (%...)
LIST_DOWNLOAD ABAP list download
LIST_DOWNLOAD_HTML Download einer ABAP-Liste nach HTML-Konvertierung
LIST_SCAN Suchen in Listen (Standardfunktion Listprozessor %SC)
LIST_SCAN_NEXT_MATCH Suche nach dem nächsten Treffer in einer Listanzeige
LIST_SCROLL_COLUMN Scroll a list display horizontally by column
LIST_SCROLL_FOLLOWING_CURSOR Blättern einer Listanzeige, damit der Cursor muß sichtbar wird
LIST_SCROLL_LINE_TOPMOST Scroll List Display: Selected Line Becomes First Line
POPUP_NO_LIST Dialog box No list generated
WRITE_LIST_LINE Ausgabe einer Listenzeile mittels Feldinformationen