The Function Group TPM_VAL_SPECIAL_VAL_SEC (Special Valuation for Securities) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FTR_VALUATION. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | TPM_VAL_SPECIAL_VAL_SEC |
Short Text | Special Valuation for Securities |
Function Group TPM_VAL_SPECIAL_VAL_SEC contains 5 function modules.
TPM_VAL_CHECK_ATTRIBUTES | Plausi Checks zu besondere Titelbewertung |
TPM_VAL_CHECK_POSITION | Überprüfung, ob ein Bestand existiert |
TPM_VAL_READ_PRICE | liest erfaßte besondere Wertpapierkurse |
TPM_VAL_SP_VAL_GET | liest Informationen zur besonderen Bewertung |
TPM_VAL_SP_VAL_POST | Verbucht Informationen zur besonderen Bewertung |