
SAP Function Group WB21

Trading Contract: Help Modules

The Function Group WB21 (Trading Contract: Help Modules) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package WB2B. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group WB21
Short Text Trading Contract: Help Modules
Package WB2B

Function Modules

Function Group WB21 contains 7 function modules.

WB2_CHANGE_DOCS_WRITE Trading-Kontrakt: Änderungsbelege
WB2_CHECK_TC_FOR_TEW_HANDLING Trading Kontrakt: Prueft ob weiterverarbeitung erfolgen kann.
WB2_GET_TMP_NUMBER temporäre Fakturanummer bestimmen
WB2_RESET_TEMP_NUMBER Tranding-Kontrakt: initialisieren Temporäre Nummervergabe Folgebelege
WB2_SD_FREE_OF_CHARGE_ITEM Trading Kontrakt: Freie Position
WB2_TKONN_EX_EXISTENCW Trading-Kontrakt: Existenzprüfung externe Nummer
WB2_TKONN_FOR_DISPLAY Trading-Kontrakt: Aufbereitung Nummer Anzeige