The Function Group WB2_TEW_ACTION_BACKGROUND (TEW: Action in Background) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package WB2B_ACTION. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Short Text | TEW: Action in Background |
Package | WB2B_ACTION |
Function Group WB2_TEW_ACTION_BACKGROUND contains 10 function modules.
WB2_ACCUM_QTY_EKPO | Accumulate quantity of same items: IT_EKPO -> ET_EKPO |
WB2_GOODS_RECEPT_CANCEL_SINGLE | Goods Receipt: Cancel |
WB2_GOODS_RECEPT_CREATE_ARRAY | Goods Receipt: Create from table of LIPS |
WB2_INCOM_INVOIC_CANCEL_SINGLE | Incoming Invoice(LIV): Cancel |
WB2_INCOM_INVOIC_CREATE | Incoming Invoice(LIV): Create multiple from table EKPO/MSEG |
WB2_INCOM_INVOIC_CREATE_ARRAY | Incoming Invoice(LIV): Create from table of EKPO or MSEG |
WB2_OBD_POSTGI_CANCEL_SINGLE | Cancel(Reverse) Goods Issue |
WB2_OBD_POSTGI_CREATE_SINGLE | Change Outbound Delivery(or Post G/I background): VL02N |
WB2_SALES_INVOIC_CREATE_ARRAY | Sales Invoice(Billing): Create from table of KOMFK |
WB2_SALES_INVOIC_CREATE_SINGLE | Sales Invoice(Billing): Create from single sales document |