
SAP Function Group WB2_WBHD_SELECT

Select WBHD from Database

The Function Group WB2_WBHD_SELECT (Select WBHD from Database) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package WB2B_CORE. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group WB2_WBHD_SELECT
Short Text Select WBHD from Database
Package WB2B_CORE

Function Modules

Function Group WB2_WBHD_SELECT contains 3 function modules.

WB2_READ_BUSI_DATA_SINGLE Handelskontrakt: Lesen Kaufmännische Daten (Position)
WB2_READ_BUSI_DATA_WITH_TKONN Handelskontrakt: Lesen Kaufmännische Daten (Positionen eines Beleges)
WB2_WBHD_SELECT_RESET Puffer löschen