The Function Module BKK_LIMIT_SET_POOL_MAIN_TAB (Liefert Steuertabelle für Lmitpflege im Headerkonto Zinskomp.Hierarch.) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group FBE10 within the package FKBL.
Short Text | Liefert Steuertabelle für Lmitpflege im Headerkonto Zinskomp.Hierarch. |
Function Group | FBE10 |
Package | FKBL |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
I_XCHKLIM | LIKE | IBKKE1_INT_SINGLE-XCHKLIM | ' ' | Kennz. interne Limitprüfung (Produktabhängig) |
I_XCHKLIM_GET | LIKE | BOOLE-BOOLE | ' ' | X' - I_XCHKLIM ermitteln |
This function module does not define any EXPORTING parameters.
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
T_CAPO_CONTR | TYPE | BKKK_TAB_CAPO_CONTR | Export: St.Kennz. für Pflege der Limite in W.Kt. | |
T_POOLMETHODS | LIKE | BKK633 | Import: Tabelle der Poolmethoden zu Wurzelkonten | |
T_ROOTACCNTS | LIKE | BKK610 | Import: Tabelle der Wurzelkonten | |
T_TBKK92 | LIKE | TBKK92 | Import: Ausprägung der Poolmethoden |
This function module does not define any Exceptions.