The Function Module C125_DIRECT_VALUE_TAB_GENERATE (Generiert die Symbol-Wert-Zuordnung zu einer Stoffberichtsstruktur) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group C125 within the package CBUI.
Function Module | C125_DIRECT_VALUE_TAB_GENERATE |
Short Text | Generiert die Symbol-Wert-Zuordnung zu einer Stoffberichtsstruktur |
Function Group | C125 |
Package | CBUI |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
I_FLG_DATA_CONV | LIKE | RCGSTDIOT-MARKFLG | 'X' | Kennz.: Daten konvertieren |
I_LANGU | LIKE | SY-LANGU | SY-LANGU | Leading language for generation run |
I_LAST_VER_DATE | LIKE | ESTRH-VALFR | Key date of last report version | |
I_MARK_CHANGES | LIKE | RCGLSYSELC-MARK_CHANG | SPACE | Indicates whether changes should be marked |
I_NO_DIALOG | LIKE | RCGSTDIOT-MARKFLG | SPACE | Call / do not call parameter dialog |
I_RCGLPIOT | LIKE | RCGLPIOT | Substance report variant | |
I_RECNTRH | LIKE | ESTRH-RECN | Substance | |
I_REL_CHANGES | LIKE | RCGLSYSELC-REL_CHANGE | SPACE | Gibt an, ob rel. Änd. markiert werden sollen |
I_RTIME_FROM | LIKE | TCGA6-LSYRTIM | 1 | Start - symbol expansion time |
I_RTIME_TO | LIKE | TCGA6-LSYRTIM | 99 | End - symbol expansion period |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
E_GENERATION_OK | LIKE | RCGSTDIOT-MARKFLG | Flag, correct generation run | |
E_GENERATION_WARNING | LIKE | RCGSTDIOT-MARKFLG | Flag, ob Generierung mit Warnung |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
E_VALUE_TAB | LIKE | TLINE | Symbol/value assignment table | |
I_PARAM_TAB | LIKE | RCGLSYVAL | Parameter symbol value table | |
I_STRUCT_TAB | LIKE | RCGLSIOT | Substance report template structure |
These are the Exceptions of this function module.
Exception Name | Short Text |
GENERATION_ERROR | Serious generation error |